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v2.3.0patch4 released to fix many issues

We've uncovered some critical bugs and other issues, and fixed them in v2.3.0 (stable, patch#1 and patch#2). This patch can be applied to any site already running v2.3.0, v2.3.0patch1, or v2.3.0patch2.
In addition to the fixes found in 230patch1 & 230patch2, 230patch3, 230patch4 provides the following:
* !!!Fixes bug which could allow display of orders to non-admin users
* Fixes regression bug in filedownload module views where blank entries were displayed
* Fixes improper loading of correct framework templates or config templates (esp. bootstrap3)
* Removes old style pagination on 'bootstrap' permissions views
* Fixes display of slingbar 'pages' menu for non-admin users
* Fixes non-admin users unable to upload files/create folders, also makes unowned files read-only
* Fixes non-admins unable to display page manager
* Fixes regression bug where traditional file manager would display wrong set of files initially
* Fixes bootstrap3 navigation breadcrumb view styling
* Tweaks rss/podcast feed summary/description
* Fixed doubled icons on non-bootstrap themes
* Fixes display of PayPal checkout icon, also makes it locale specific, updates to use PayPal api v114
* Fixes bug which could allow display of list of all orders in system
* Fixes regression bug where patched form module views weren't installed correctly
* Updates site link picker to use preview mode
* Changes CKEditor table creation to be html5 compliant
* Fixes less compiler to place .map files in the /tmp/css folder
* Fixes loading of custom jquery plugins to look for all files (js, css, & less) in the /js subfolder
* Adds jQuery 'migrate' addon to allow for deprecated functions needed by some jQuery plugins
* Updates form inputs to focus on page's first control
* Fixes display of shipping cost during checkout if there is no cost
* Fixes styling of old style jQueryUI tabs
* Fixes button display and some ecommerce styles on Bootstrap v2 themes
* Fixes regression bug which broke publish/unpublish calendar displays
* Updates styling of form controls, esp. for Bootstrap v3
* Input validation now standardized across system
* Adds anti-spam control to event feedback forms
* Moves bootstrap3 password meter to side of input instead of below
* Changes newui slingbar element to 'header' instead of 'nav' to prevent conflicts with real navbar
* Fixes regression bug which prevent button 'onclick' param from working
* Added confirmation before removing module from page
* Updates facebook module views to allow 'responsive' or fill container width option
* Fixes regression bug which could break display of system messages
* Fixes regression bug where touch/bootstrap slideshow views would be corrupted if a non-touch slideshow view were on page
* Fixes bootstrap3theme by wrapping foot inside row/column and menu inside container
* Fixes regression bug where newui nested container's chrome menu would popup below the module content
* Fixes wysiwyg editor stylesheets for bootstrap/bootstrap3 themes (hard-coded to load bootstrap & theme stylesheets)
* Updates bootstrap3theme preview image
* Updates message queue views to accept bootstrap named alerts
* Adds new message smarty function to allow inline messages like message queue
* Updates newui rss & ical links to use font-awesome icons
* Fixes placement of admin controls on photoalbum slideshowview for bootstrap
* Fixes regression bug which required admin entering current password to change password
* Makes .less compiler .map file creation optional with new setting LESS_COMPILER_MAP, default is off (DEVELOPMEN must be on)
* Updates Manage Active Modules link to become button in newu views
* Updates bootstrap3 ddrerank to use bs3 modal instead of yui using new jquery-sortable plugin
* Fixes regression bug where yuidatetimecontrol & yuicalendarcontrol wouldn't load yui
* Fixes regression bug where icon wouldn't always receive the 'onsubmit' script
* Fixes regression bug where portfolio views were empty
* Updates/fixes code in add container & edit module 'module' tab to jquery sans yui2
* Updates newui/bs3 ddrerank & file manager widgets to jquery sans yui2
* Updates the newui/bs3 page manager to use jquery sans yui2
* Updates bs3 text module inline edit view to use bs3 dialog instead of jqueryui
* Updates 3rd party libraries
* CKEditor t v4.4.4
* TinyMCE editor to v4.1.4
* SwiftMailer to v5.2.1
* Smarty to v3.1.19
* YUI to v3.17.2
* less.php compiler to v1.7.0.2
* DataTables Bootstrap 3 styling
* jQueryUI to v1.11.0
* jQueryUI timepicker to v1.4.6
* jQuery pwstrength-bootstrap plugin to v1.2.0
* jQuery colorbox plugin to v1.5.13
* jQuery validate plugin to v1.13.0
* jQuery datetimepicker plugin to v2.3.4
* jQuery TimeCircles plugin to v1.5.2
* jQuery DataTables plugin to v1.10.2 & TableTools to v2.2.2
* Spectrum color picker to v1.5.0
* ie6 patch to v3.11
* TimeCircles countdown plugin to v1.5.3
* MediaElement media player to v2.15.1
* Adds new 3rd party (jquery) libraries
* jstree tree widget
* bootstrap3-dialog
* jquery.impromptu dialog
* jquery-sortable drag n drop list management widget

NOTE: You MUST be logged in as a Super-Admin user in order to perform the upgrade!

Patch #4 for v2.3.0

View article...


  • We've uncovered some critical bugs and other issues, and fixed them in v2.3.0 (stable, patch#1 and patch#2). This patch can be applied to any site already running v2.3.0, v2.3.0patch1, or v2.3.0patch2.
    In addition to the fixes found in 230patch1 & 230patch2, 230patch3, 230patch4 provides the following:
    * !!!Fixes bug which could allow display of orders to non-admin users
    * Fixes regression bug in filedownload module views where blank entries were displayed
    * Fixes improper loading of correct framework templates or config templates (esp. bootstrap3)
    * Removes old style pagination on 'bootstrap' permissions views
    * Fixes display of slingbar 'pages' menu for non-admin users
    * Fixes non-admin users unable to upload files/create folders, also makes unowned files read-only
    * Fixes non-admins unable to display page manager
    * Fixes regression bug where traditional file manager would display wrong set of files initially
    * Fixes bootstrap3 navigation breadcrumb view styling
    * Tweaks rss/podcast feed summary/description
    * Fixed doubled icons on non-bootstrap themes
    * Fixes display of PayPal checkout icon, also makes it locale specific, updates to use PayPal api v114
    * Fixes bug which could allow display of list of all orders in system
    * Fixes regression bug where patched form module views weren't installed correctly
    * Updates site link picker to use preview mode
    * Changes CKEditor table creation to be html5 compliant
    * Fixes less compiler to place .map files in the /tmp/css folder
    * Fixes loading of custom jquery plugins to look for all files (js, css, & less) in the /js subfolder
    * Adds jQuery 'migrate' addon to allow for deprecated functions needed by some jQuery plugins
    * Updates form inputs to focus on page's first control
    * Fixes display of shipping cost during checkout if there is no cost
    * Fixes styling of old style jQueryUI tabs
    * Fixes button display and some ecommerce styles on Bootstrap v2 themes
    * Fixes regression bug which broke publish/unpublish calendar displays
    * Updates styling of form controls, esp. for Bootstrap v3
    * Input validation now standardized across system
    * Adds anti-spam control to event feedback forms
    * Moves bootstrap3 password meter to side of input instead of below
    * Changes newui slingbar element to 'header' instead of 'nav' to prevent conflicts with real navbar
    * Fixes regression bug which prevent button 'onclick' param from working
    * Added confirmation before removing module from page
    * Updates facebook module views to allow 'responsive' or fill container width option
    * Fixes regression bug which could break display of system messages
    * Fixes regression bug where touch/bootstrap slideshow views would be corrupted if a non-touch slideshow view were on page
    * Fixes bootstrap3theme by wrapping foot inside row/column and menu inside container
    * Fixes regression bug where newui nested container's chrome menu would popup below the module content
    * Fixes wysiwyg editor stylesheets for bootstrap/bootstrap3 themes (hard-coded to load bootstrap & theme stylesheets)
    * Updates bootstrap3theme preview image
    * Updates message queue views to accept bootstrap named alerts
    * Adds new message smarty function to allow inline messages like message queue
    * Updates newui rss & ical links to use font-awesome icons
    * Fixes placement of admin controls on photoalbum slideshowview for bootstrap
    * Fixes regression bug which required admin entering current password to change password
    * Makes .less compiler .map file creation optional with new setting LESS_COMPILER_MAP, default is off (DEVELOPMEN must be on)
    * Updates Manage Active Modules link to become button in newu views
    * Updates bootstrap3 ddrerank to use bs3 modal instead of yui using new jquery-sortable plugin
    * Fixes regression bug where yuidatetimecontrol & yuicalendarcontrol wouldn't load yui
    * Fixes regression bug where icon wouldn't always receive the 'onsubmit' script
    * Fixes regression bug where portfolio views were empty
    * Updates/fixes code in add container & edit module 'module' tab to jquery sans yui2
    * Updates newui/bs3 ddrerank & file manager widgets to jquery sans yui2
    * Updates the newui/bs3 page manager to use jquery sans yui2
    * Updates bs3 text module inline edit view to use bs3 dialog instead of jqueryui
    * Updates 3rd party libraries
    * CKEditor t v4.4.4
    * TinyMCE editor to v4.1.4
    * SwiftMailer to v5.2.1
    * Smarty to v3.1.19
    * YUI to v3.17.2
    * less.php compiler to v1.7.0.2
    * DataTables Bootstrap 3 styling
    * jQueryUI to v1.11.0
    * jQueryUI timepicker to v1.4.6
    * jQuery pwstrength-bootstrap plugin to v1.2.0
    * jQuery colorbox plugin to v1.5.13
    * jQuery validate plugin to v1.13.0
    * jQuery datetimepicker plugin to v2.3.4
    * jQuery TimeCircles plugin to v1.5.2
    * jQuery DataTables plugin to v1.10.2 & TableTools to v2.2.2
    * Spectrum color picker to v1.5.0
    * ie6 patch to v3.11
    * TimeCircles countdown plugin to v1.5.3
    * MediaElement media player to v2.15.1
    * Adds new 3rd party (jquery) libraries
    * jstree tree widget
    * bootstrap3-dialog
    * jquery.impromptu dialog
    * jquery-sortable drag n drop list management widget

    NOTE: You MUST be logged in as a Super-Admin user in order to perform the upgrade!

    Patch #4 for v2.3.0
  • We've uncovered some critical bugs and other issues, and fixed them in v2.3.0 (stable, patch#1 and patch#2). This patch can be applied to any site already running v2.3.0, v2.3.0patch1, or v2.3.0patch2.
    In addition to the fixes found in 230patch1 & 230patch2, 230patch3, 230patch4 provides the following:
    * !!!Fixes bug which could allow display of orders to non-admin users
    * Fixes regression bug in filedownload module views where blank entries were displayed
    * Fixes improper loading of correct framework templates or config templates (esp. bootstrap3)
    * Removes old style pagination on 'bootstrap' permissions views
    * Fixes display of slingbar 'pages' menu for non-admin users
    * Fixes non-admin users unable to upload files/create folders, also makes unowned files read-only
    * Fixes non-admins unable to display page manager
    * Fixes regression bug where traditional file manager would display wrong set of files initially
    * Fixes bootstrap3 navigation breadcrumb view styling
    * Tweaks rss/podcast feed summary/description
    * Fixed doubled icons on non-bootstrap themes
    * Fixes display of PayPal checkout icon, also makes it locale specific, updates to use PayPal api v114
    * Fixes bug which could allow display of list of all orders in system
    * Fixes regression bug where patched form module views weren't installed correctly
    * Updates site link picker to use preview mode
    * Changes CKEditor table creation to be html5 compliant
    * Fixes less compiler to place .map files in the /tmp/css folder
    * Fixes loading of custom jquery plugins to look for all files (js, css, & less) in the /js subfolder
    * Adds jQuery 'migrate' addon to allow for deprecated functions needed by some jQuery plugins
    * Updates form inputs to focus on page's first control
    * Fixes display of shipping cost during checkout if there is no cost
    * Fixes styling of old style jQueryUI tabs
    * Fixes button display and some ecommerce styles on Bootstrap v2 themes
    * Fixes regression bug which broke publish/unpublish calendar displays
    * Updates styling of form controls, esp. for Bootstrap v3
    * Input validation now standardized across system
    * Adds anti-spam control to event feedback forms
    * Moves bootstrap3 password meter to side of input instead of below
    * Changes newui slingbar element to 'header' instead of 'nav' to prevent conflicts with real navbar
    * Fixes regression bug which prevent button 'onclick' param from working
    * Added confirmation before removing module from page
    * Updates facebook module views to allow 'responsive' or fill container width option
    * Fixes regression bug which could break display of system messages
    * Fixes regression bug where touch/bootstrap slideshow views would be corrupted if a non-touch slideshow view were on page
    * Fixes bootstrap3theme by wrapping foot inside row/column and menu inside container
    * Fixes regression bug where newui nested container's chrome menu would popup below the module content
    * Fixes wysiwyg editor stylesheets for bootstrap/bootstrap3 themes (hard-coded to load bootstrap & theme stylesheets)
    * Updates bootstrap3theme preview image
    * Updates message queue views to accept bootstrap named alerts
    * Adds new message smarty function to allow inline messages like message queue
    * Updates newui rss & ical links to use font-awesome icons
    * Fixes placement of admin controls on photoalbum slideshowview for bootstrap
    * Fixes regression bug which required admin entering current password to change password
    * Makes .less compiler .map file creation optional with new setting LESS_COMPILER_MAP, default is off (DEVELOPMEN must be on)
    * Updates Manage Active Modules link to become button in newu views
    * Updates bootstrap3 ddrerank to use bs3 modal instead of yui using new jquery-sortable plugin
    * Fixes regression bug where yuidatetimecontrol & yuicalendarcontrol wouldn't load yui
    * Fixes regression bug where icon wouldn't always receive the 'onsubmit' script
    * Fixes regression bug where portfolio views were empty
    * Updates/fixes code in add container & edit module 'module' tab to jquery sans yui2
    * Updates newui/bs3 ddrerank & file manager widgets to jquery sans yui2
    * Updates the newui/bs3 page manager to use jquery sans yui2
    * Updates bs3 text module inline edit view to use bs3 dialog instead of jqueryui
    * Updates 3rd party libraries
    * CKEditor t v4.4.4
    * TinyMCE editor to v4.1.4
    * SwiftMailer to v5.2.1
    * Smarty to v3.1.19
    * YUI to v3.17.2
    * less.php compiler to v1.7.0.2
    * DataTables Bootstrap 3 styling
    * jQueryUI to v1.11.0
    * jQueryUI timepicker to v1.4.6
    * jQuery pwstrength-bootstrap plugin to v1.2.0
    * jQuery colorbox plugin to v1.5.13
    * jQuery validate plugin to v1.13.0
    * jQuery datetimepicker plugin to v2.3.4
    * jQuery TimeCircles plugin to v1.5.2
    * jQuery DataTables plugin to v1.10.2 & TableTools to v2.2.2
    * Spectrum color picker to v1.5.0
    * ie6 patch to v3.11
    * TimeCircles countdown plugin to v1.5.3
    * MediaElement media player to v2.15.1
    * Adds new 3rd party (jquery) libraries
    * jstree tree widget
    * bootstrap3-dialog
    * jquery.impromptu dialog
    * jquery-sortable drag n drop list management widget

    NOTE: You MUST be logged in as a Super-Admin user in order to perform the upgrade!

    Patch #4 for v2.3.0
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