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v2.5.0patch1 released to fix several regression Issues with v2.5.0 release

edited March 2020 in Announcements
NOTE: DO NOT INSTALL THIS PATCH ON A SERVER RUNNING PHP v5.5.x!!! Your web site will no longer run! PHP versions older than v5.6 are very obsolete and we do not support them. The next version may also remove support for PHP v5.6 and v7.0 since they are considered obsolete.

This patch addresses several regression issues which prevent some features from working. All Exponent CMS users running at least PHP version 5.6 are encouraged to move their installations to v2.5.0 and to install this patch!! Patch #1 to v2.5.0 is found at 

v250patch1 adds no new features to v250:

v250patch1 fixes these issues in v250:
- regression fix (v250) bs3/bs4 update quantities button didn't work
- regression fix (v250) some scripts (mediaplayer) failed to load under php 7.1/7.2/7.3
- regression fix (v250) multiple tags/other-attachments not displayed/saved correctly
- fix manage tags/cats not connecting assoc items (blog/news/etc)
- regression fix (v250) mail not working under php 7.x, missing swiftmailer v6.x
- remove (redundant) bs4 form validation icons (bs) since they're now included in bs4
- regression fix (v237) we've never saved wysiwyg editor additionalconfig setting

v250patch1 updates these 3rd party libraries in v250:
- sortable.js to v1.8.4
- tinymce to v4.9.4
- font-awesome to v5.8.0
- swiftmailer to v6.2.0
- code-mirror link to v5.44.0
- ace editor link to v1.4.3

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