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Fix problems running under mysql 5.7.x

If you are unable to insert new database records running under mysql 5.7.x, As of MySQL 5.7.5, the default SQL mode includes STRICT_TRANS_TABLES which prevents Exponent from creating new records (and possibly updating them?) since we pass (ALL) empty fields as null which is escaped to an empty string which is incompatible with an integer in strict mode.

This is most likely fixed by adding the following to the my.ini (mysql configuration) file in the 'mysqld' section

sql_mode = ''


  • Excellent ! I spent two weeks without being able to find the error, thank you very much. Before I did not let the installation be successful. Edit the mysqld.cnf file on ubuntu server 16.4 which is in the /etc/mysql/mysql.conf.d path. Works well with PHP7.0

    Excelente ! pase dos semanas sin poder encontrar el error, muchas gracias. Antes no me dejaba que la instalación fuera exitosa. Edite el archivo mysqld.cnf en ubuntu server 16.4 que esta en la ruta /etc/mysql/mysql.conf.d. Funciona bien con PHP7.0
  • Perhaps a better solution is to change the sql_mode to NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION
  • You may notice this anomaly in one of two ways:
    • You are NOT able to add new items
    • During a version upgrade the 'Version Update' script will return an error and the 'button' to advance to the next upgrade step will not appear
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