Please disregard the 'View article...' shown at the bottom of many posts as this is the result of restoring old forum posts from a backup.
Forums back up and running
We're attempting to get the forums back up and running (with a few caveats):
- your account may have to be reverified and may not be linked with your previous posts
- all previous messages were LOST, but we've attempted to recover them from some stored emails so there may be some inconsistencies or repetitions, etc...
- Most of the (old) messages will have a 'View article' tag at the bottom which is a remnant of the email format
We're NOT going to attempt to add the other old users to this new database since the old database had literally 1000's of spam users. However unlike the group above (those with posts on the site), this set of users will not be prevented from selecting their old username.
Therefore, if you attempt to reset your account password and the system tells you 'Couldn't find an account associated with that email/username.', you'll need to create a new user account.