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Twitter API v1 now blacked out!

Sorry, we only (recently) began to provide a follow button. Our code doesn't 'follow' but simply display tweets.

Statistics: Posted by dleffler


  • After Twitters API changes how many followers can you follow per day? I had to completely recode my automated software for Twitters API changes, Testing the software all is working good except follow, and follow new followers. Can't seem to get that correct used to be able to follow a thousand per day Now when I try account gets suspended . Advice Please..

    Statistics: Posted by aaneetha
  • You may have seen this message appear on your site, but the API we've used to interface with Twitter (the Twitter module) is no longer allowed. We think we've gotten the updated library working w/ Exponent and it'll be delivered as v2.2.0patch4 later this week. In the mean time:

    * If you manage your site using the git repo, the 'master' branch is already updated, so you can just perform a 'git pull'[/*]

    * If you can afford to lose Twitter functionality, simply delete the /framework/modules/twitter/models/Twitter.php file[/*]

    * Keep your eyes open for the patch 4 release in a few days.[/*]

    View article...
  • You may have seen this message appear on your site, but the API we've used to interface with Twitter (the Twitter module) is no longer allowed. We think we've gotten the updated library working w/ Exponent and it'll be delivered as v2.2.0patch4 later this week. In the mean time:

    * If you manage your site using the git repo, the 'master' branch is already updated, so you can just perform a 'git pull'[/*]

    * If you can afford to lose Twitter functionality, simply delete the /framework/modules/twitter/models/Twitter.php file[/*]

    * Keep your eyes open for the patch 4 release in a few days.[/*]

    View article...
  • You may have seen this message appear on your site, but the API we've used to interface with Twitter (the Twitter module) is no longer allowed. We think we've gotten the updated library working w/ Exponent and it'll be delivered as v2.2.0patch4 later this week. In the mean time:

    * If you manage your site using the git repo, the 'master' branch is already updated, so you can just perform a 'git pull'[/*]

    * If you can afford to lose Twitter functionality, simply delete the /framework/modules/twitter/models/Twitter.php file[/*]

    * Keep your eyes open for the patch 4 release in a few days.[/*]

    View article...
  • You may have seen this message appear on your site, but the API we've used to interface with Twitter (the Twitter module) is no longer allowed. We think we've gotten the updated library working w/ Exponent and it'll be delivered as v2.2.0patch4 later this week. In the mean time:

    * If you manage your site using the git repo, the 'master' branch is already updated, so you can just perform a 'git pull'[/*]

    * If you can afford to lose Twitter functionality, simply delete the /framework/modules/twitter/models/Twitter.php file[/*]

    * Keep your eyes open for the patch 4 release in a few days.[/*]

    View article...
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