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  • I'm still not sure what caused it but I was able to use CSS to fix it. I added the following code to my CSS and now it works like I had intended. .flyout{ -webkit-max-logical-width: 299px; }
  • I'm having a similar issue trying to install 2.3.2 on one of my sites. I downloaded the zip with wget, extracted it and made sure permissions were correct (755/644). I made sure to log into Exponent, and started the upgrade process. When I click on …
  • The result of that command is: No Errors detected in compressed data of Do I need to follow the advice found at:
  • It must have been something with the .htaccess file. I extracted everything again and now it updated just fine. I wasn't overwriting the .htaccess file before.
  • Never mind, I was using improper css. Once I added background-color:transparent to my css, I got the intended result.
  • Here is a screen shot of what my mobile theme looks like on the iPhone 5s. photo IMG_1192_zps8aa4f6f1.png For some reason the image seems to have lots of padding included on the right size. I can't find anything in the code that would do it. Any…
  • Yes, its the navigation module flyout. I also tried using the default bootstrap3 theme. It also makes the navigation module stretch across the width of the screen
  • It seems to be related to the login module. If I use the following code: <?php if (FLYOUT_SIDEBAR != 0) expTheme::module(array("controller"=>"navigation","action"=>"showall","view"=>"showall_flyout_sidebar","source"=>"navsidebar","…
  • I'm still not sure what caused it but I was able to use CSS to fix it. I added the following code to my CSS and now it works like I had intended. .flyout{ -webkit-max-logical-width: 299px; }
  • I'm having a similar issue trying to install 2.3.2 on one of my sites. I downloaded the zip with wget, extracted it and made sure permissions were correct (755/644). I made sure to log into Exponent, and started the upgrade process. When I click on …
  • The result of that command is: No Errors detected in compressed data of Do I need to follow the advice found at:
  • It must have been something with the .htaccess file. I extracted everything again and now it updated just fine. I wasn't overwriting the .htaccess file before.
  • Never mind, I was using improper css. Once I added background-color:transparent to my css, I got the intended result.
  • What is the proper way to over-ride a style found in external/bootstrap3/css/bootstrap.css? I thought I could put a css file called bootstrap.css into mytheme/css/ to override but that doesn't seem to work. I'm trying to eliminate the body {backgr…
  • I'm having a similar issue trying to install 2.3.2 on one of my sites. I downloaded the zip with wget, extracted it and made sure permissions were correct (755/644). I made sure to log into Exponent, and started the upgrade process. When I click on …
  • Yes, its the navigation module flyout. I also tried using the default bootstrap3 theme. It also makes the navigation module stretch across the width of the screen
  • It seems to be related to the login module. If I use the following code: <?php if (FLYOUT_SIDEBAR != 0) expTheme::module(array("controller"=>"navigation","action"=>"showall","view"=>"showall_flyout_sidebar","source"=>"navsidebar","…
  • I'm still not sure what caused it but I was able to use CSS to fix it. I added the following code to my CSS and now it works like I had intended. .flyout{ -webkit-max-logical-width: 299px; }
  • I'm having a similar issue trying to install 2.3.2 on one of my sites. I downloaded the zip with wget, extracted it and made sure permissions were correct (755/644). I made sure to log into Exponent, and started the upgrade process. When I click on …
  • The result of that command is: No Errors detected in compressed data of Do I need to follow the advice found at:
  • It must have been something with the .htaccess file. I extracted everything again and now it updated just fine. I wasn't overwriting the .htaccess file before.
  • Yes, its the navigation module flyout. I also tried using the default bootstrap3 theme. It also makes the navigation module stretch across the width of the screen
  • It seems to be related to the login module. If I use the following code: <?php if (FLYOUT_SIDEBAR != 0) expTheme::module(array("controller"=>"navigation","action"=>"showall","view"=>"showall_flyout_sidebar","source"=>"navsidebar","…
  • I'm still not sure what caused it but I was able to use CSS to fix it. I added the following code to my CSS and now it works like I had intended. .flyout{ -webkit-max-logical-width: 299px; }
  • I'm having a similar issue trying to install 2.3.2 on one of my sites. I downloaded the zip with wget, extracted it and made sure permissions were correct (755/644). I made sure to log into Exponent, and started the upgrade process. When I click on …
  • The result of that command is: No Errors detected in compressed data of Do I need to follow the advice found at:
  • It must have been something with the .htaccess file. I extracted everything again and now it updated just fine. I wasn't overwriting the .htaccess file before.
  • Yes, its the navigation module flyout. I also tried using the default bootstrap3 theme. It also makes the navigation module stretch across the width of the screen
  • It seems to be related to the login module. If I use the following code: <?php if (FLYOUT_SIDEBAR != 0) expTheme::module(array("controller"=>"navigation","action"=>"showall","view"=>"showall_flyout_sidebar","source"=>"navsidebar","…
  • I'm still not sure what caused it but I was able to use CSS to fix it. I added the following code to my CSS and now it works like I had intended. .flyout{ -webkit-max-logical-width: 299px; }