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Sales tax Exemption by user

Is there a way I can not charge certain users sales tax? We have some customers that we've worked with in the past that are tax exempt. We want them to use our BuyPlasmaParts site to place their orders. But because in store settings I told the system to charge sales tax in their state, I have to refund the tax amount. 


  • There is no inherent way at present. It would have to be done (currently) by opening up the order and adjusting/editing the totals.

    It might be possible to add something into the next code release...So I need some feedback from you. The bigger question (talking out loud) is how would 'tax exempt' status be annotated against the user record. At some point the user would/could submit that they are tax exempt, but it couldn't actually be added to their record until the tax-exempt papers were received/verified. So we could have a NEW tax-exempt user profile extension which first tracks a request for tax exemption and allows the seller to go back later and actually mark the record as tax-exempt once everything is verified. This would mean that (in most cases), their first check-out would be (shown as) taxed, but later purchases would be tax-exempt (which is how works). Of course if you have existing customers with tax exempt status, you could simply update their record...Does that sound like a reasonable approach?
  • I think that sounds like a reasonable approach. I can refund the tax amount after the first purchase. 
  • On second thought...after looking at some other ecommerce systems AND wanting a much simpler integration (coding) approach...I'll attempt to add another 'Group Global Permissions/Restrictions' of 'tax exempt' to user groups. In most cases, an ecommerce site will (also) probably NOT want registered users to see the slingbar and the method to remove it is through user group settings. Therefore when setting up an ecommerce site, you'd create (at least) two user groups...
    1. Customers which would be marked as a 'default group' so it would be assigned to all new users, and also to 'hide the exponent menu'
    2. Tax-Exempt Customers which would NOT be a 'default group', but be set to 'hide the exponent menu' and also the new 'tax exempt customer' setting.
    Plus you could set up a special 'landing page' for either of the user groups so they are redirected to a specific page after then log back in.
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