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Navigation Module Issue

I've been having an issue with the navbar dropdown menu items in responsive mode. After clicking to open the first drop down item (which contains quite a few submenu items) it 'pushes' the other top level menu items to the right side of the child items of the first parent item. It basically creates a second column for the drop down and it wreaks havoc on the behavior of the navbar (practically unfunctional).

I found the issue in the generated HTML, and when I modify it manually, my issue is gone. If I remove the 'pull-left' CSS class from the
    element I'm good to go... it works the way I want. Here's where I'm finding the issue and manually deleting using browser developer tools:


    How do I go about modifying exponent to stop applying this class to the
      tags in responsive navabar mode? I took a quick look at the navigation module, but wasn't sure where to go exactly to make this change.

      I do realize I shouldnt modify the 'framework' version of the module, and will create my own module in my theme.

      Please help!

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  • To 'customize' a 'plugin' copy it into a folder in the theme named 'plugins' which will override the system plugin of the same name. In this case we want the /framework/plugins/function.bootstrap_navbar.php' file copied. Then edit line #89 chane it from
    $menu .= ''."\n".'
      $menu .= ''."\n".'

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  • Thanks, this code change did the trick for me, only I had to modify the core framework plugin... I copied 'function.bootstrap_navbar.php' into a 'plugins' folder under my theme, made the changes, but exponent didn't seem to recognize it was there and seemed to be loading the base plugin.

    Exponent doesn't seem to be recognizing my custom plugin in my theme?

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  • I'm sorry, I forgot to mention to 'clear the smarty cache' since the cached views use a hard path to the smarty functions (therefore it still was using the Exponent system plugin since at the time it was cached there was no theme custom plugin.

    FWIW, I've updated the code in the pre-release version, so it'll be included in the next release (either v2.3.4patch2 or v2.3.5)

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